
Unik Wellness

Unik Body Health Challenge – Hosted by Unik, a premium wellness brand offering science-backed supplements for modern lifestyles, this interactive game at HKU Alumni Day educates participants on how Unik health products support different body functions. Players match Unik supplements to a 2D human figure, with top scorers winning free popcorn and Unik perks. Social […]

糕點時光 Time To Gold

糕點時光是一間致力保存傳統糕點文化的獲獎社會企業,我們聘請金齡婦女以新穎手法創造特色糕點,傳承珍貴的飲食文化,致力推動長者再就業以及實踐文化保育。 成立於2021年,糕點時光是一間獲獎社會企業,以活化糕點的形象和口味為使命,致力帶來獨特的糕點體驗。我們聘用失業和退休的金齡婦女,並支持可持續農耕,採用低糖配方和有機材料創作出多款特色糕點。我們提供糕點銷售、技能培訓、體驗工作坊及資訊分享等服務,傳承珍貴的糕點飲食文化。

Masters of Laws in Arbitration and Dispute Resolution

Visit our booth for the master of laws in arbitration and dispute resolution! Engage Our alumni on Industry trends, personal experiences from our graduates who are making impacts in arbitration and mediation. Visitors will have an opportunity to work with peers, share career prospects and discover how our advanced curriculum prepares them for leadership in […]