
Unable to come back to Hong Kong for this year’s Alumni Day? Tune in on March 16, wherever you are!

Event 1 | Special Online Screening of HKU Documentary

Live-streamed at the same time as in-person screening in Loke Yew Hall! Watch the documentary together with the 200+ alumni gathered on Alumni Day. 

About the documentary:

The first documentary to depict the 111-year history of the University of Hong Kong, one of the oldest universities in the region, features interviews with over 20 historical witnesses and historians, as well as reenactments of historical events. This film unfolds a grand narrative that spans a full century, portraying the profound journey of a university as it intertwines with its city, country, and the epochs through which it has lived.

To join the Special Online Screening of HKU Documentary, please click HERE.

Event 2 | Special Online Campus Tour for Overseas Alumni Family

How do you remember your campus? Tune in to see the latest development of the university, and take a trip down memory lane. 

To join the Special Online Campus Tour for Overseas Alumni Family, please click HERE.