

HKU Faculty of Arts Development Fund

Faculty of Arts Development Fund

Founded in 1912, the Faculty of Arts is one of HKU’s oldest and largest faculties and is consistently recognised as one of the best in Asia for the Arts and Humanities. 

Throughout the century, the establishment and development of the Faculty of Arts have been greatly supported by our notable alumni, philanthropic donors and esteemed partners.  But there has never been a better time than now to preserve the remarkable legacy of the Faculty and ensure its strength into the future with gifts focused on people, programmes, and student support.  Gifts allow us to attract stronger scholars, in turn stronger students, build more exciting programmes and support more impactful research projects, and offer unique learning experiences for students that give them a leading edge.  We want our students prepared to make significant contributions to the development of Hong Kong, the region, and the world at large.​

Your donation will go towards the Faculty of Arts Development Fund to support teaching and learning, research, student development, community engagement and other academic initiatives of the Faculty.  Gifts of all sizes add up to make a big difference for us.

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HKU Faculty of Arts Gender Studies Development Fund

The Next Generation Leadership Development Fund

The Gender Studies Programme at HKU has launched Connecting Our Futures to prepare today’s university students in Hong Kong to become the Next Generation of Inclusive Leaders. Building on the University of Hong Kong curricular strengths in leadership and diversity, equity and inclusion, we are connecting academia and the workplace through a series of extracurricular activities and events.  We invite students, academics, professionals from various workplaces, and interested community members to join together in conversation and collaboration.

Your donation to The Next Generation Leadership Development Fund will support student internships, lectures, career preparation, field trips and networking events.

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HKU faculty of Arts scholarships

Scholarships, Fellowships, Teaching & Research Grants, Event Sponsorships

We are grateful to assist donors in identifying gift opportunities that most closely match your own interest.  Your donation can be designated to set up academic prizes and scholarships to recognise the achievement of Arts students who have excellent performance; or to support teaching and research activities covering our Humanities and Arts disciplines; or to be our event sponsor to enable the Faculty to deliver high-quality education and public programming to HKU and the community, etc.

Please contact us at to explore more information and start our meaningful discussion. 

Be our partner and let’s create the future together!