
Meet the New Dean – Professor Yung Ho Chang

Share thoughts and exchange ideas with Professor Yung Ho Chang, our new Dean of Architecture, at this informal meet-and-greet event – with light refreshments provided but without any set topics! This event is fully registered. We also accept walk-in participants on a first-come-first-served basis, subject to availability.

Happy Park Fest: Unik Wellness Counter

Unik Logo

Unik Body Health Challenge – Hosted by Unik, a premium wellness brand offering science-backed supplements for modern lifestyles, this interactive game at HKU Alumni Day educates participants on how Unik health products support different body functions. Players match Unik supplements to a 2D human figure, with top scorers winning free popcorn and Unik perks. Social […]

Engineering Research Showcase – Innovations for Impact

Inno Wing 2

Cutting-edge engineering research projects led by our Engineering Professors are exhibited. From the videos and displays, visitors will be equipped with knowledge of rationales underlying these projects and their methodologies to tackle the grand challenges. Further through interactive prototypes and functional exhibits in Innovation Wing Two, visitors will get even more detailed knowledge about how […]

Psychology & You 心理與你

Psychology and You

Come to visit us at MB151 to explore the fascination world of Psychology. Discover the array of ongoing lab recruitment opportunities available in the Department of Psychology. Join us, pursue your interests, and contribute to our engaging research projects! Additionally, join the excitement at our Sleep Research Clinic and Laboratory, and take part in a […]

Inno Wing Exploration

Student in Innovation Wing

Tam Wing Fan Innovation Wing One aims to unleash students’ creativity by entrusting them to spearhead ambitious innovation and technology projects that will shape the future. The iconic facility of the Faculty of Engineering is located at the heart of the campus, offering 2,400m2 of space with state-of-the-art resources and a supportive environment. Come and […]