Hong Kong University Graduates Association

Free snacks will be provided to participants who fill out a simple contact form, along with souvenirs for those who take part in our fun HKU-related games. Come and visit the HKUGA booth!!
Faculty of Social Sciences

Visit the Faculty of Social Sciences booth to explore the latest faculty updates and souvenirs. Join our photo challenge to take away our special faculty gift. Alumni who have updated their contact information can also pick up their faculty alumni pins at the booth. *Gifts and souvenirs are available on a first-come-first-served basis, while stock […]
Faculty of Education

Visit the Faculty of Education booth to explore the latest Faculty souvenirs available with special offers! In addition, don’t miss the chance to take home a free gift to celebrate your connection with the Faculty! * Gifts are available on a first-come-first-served basis, while stock lasts.
糕點時光 Time To Gold

糕點時光是一間致力保存傳統糕點文化的獲獎社會企業,我們聘請金齡婦女以新穎手法創造特色糕點,傳承珍貴的飲食文化,致力推動長者再就業以及實踐文化保育。 成立於2021年,糕點時光是一間獲獎社會企業,以活化糕點的形象和口味為使命,致力帶來獨特的糕點體驗。我們聘用失業和退休的金齡婦女,並支持可持續農耕,採用低糖配方和有機材料創作出多款特色糕點。我們提供糕點銷售、技能培訓、體驗工作坊及資訊分享等服務,傳承珍貴的糕點飲食文化。
Faculty of Arts

To connect with the Faculty of Arts for an opportunity to get an Arts souvenir. We sincerely look forward to welcoming you on March 16! Stock is limited. Souvenirs will be randomly given on a first-come-first-served basis while stock lasts, at the discretion of the Faculty of Arts.
HKU Karatedo Alumni Association

Discover the Basics of Karate and Fitness! Join us for an interactive karate experience that combines essential techniques with engaging fitness exercises! Our booth will feature: This is a fantastic opportunity for all students, whether you’re new to martial arts or looking to refine your skills. Come and experience the excitement of karate and fitness […]